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Soundmap: People and Place

Multiple locations


Collection · 186 items

creative writing

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Collection · 216 items


Collection · 262 items
Sound walk

Soundmap: People and Place is a collection of sound walks and sound maps co-created with five communities in North Aberdeenshire – New Byth, Banff, Ladysbridge, Sandhaven and Rosehearty. Following a number of workshops, people in these communities made sound recordings which were then used in both the sound maps and sound walks for each community.
The project was launched in the summer of 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, at a time when many people were looking for activities to undertake both indoors and outdoors.


Bryan Angus - visual artist
Alison Brodie - project manager
communities of Banff, Ladysbridge, Sandhaven, Rosehearty, New Byth

commissioned by Aberdeenshire Council

APA style reference

Stollery, P. (2020). Soundmap: People and Place. walk · listen · create.

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To walk firmly: Dere dey wir, strampin back an fore.

Added by Janette Kerr

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