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Marŝarto24 New 2024

Stories of Place, Community & Environment (SPACE) Walk

SPACE Walkers
Hosted by: The Maynard family
Mungeribar Lane, Narromine NSW, Australia
210 minutes


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Walking piece

At a time of rapid change across Regional Australia, the Stories of Place, Community and Environment (SPACE) Walk invites different knowledge holders and community changemakers to come together to creatively explore the local landscape and consider future possibilities for farming, the environment, the community, and the wider region.

The SPACE Walk is designed to use the act of walking together through the landscape to acknowledge each of us as knowledge holders in our own right, to share stories, and to listen attentively to each other and the environment we’re moving through.

The first SPACE Walk was held in the Narromine Shire of Central West New South Wales in southeastern Australia on a perfect spring day in September 2024. 11 people gathered on a farm to walk together as they considered their connection to each other and the landscape, the role of imagination, missing voices, the importance of diversity, purpose and intent, and what actions we need to take to be Good Ancestors.


The pilot SPACE Walk was funded by the Country Arts Support Program (CASP) through Create NSW and Orana Arts. It was supported by Bruce Maynard and family, Trangie Local Aboriginal Land Council and Wungunja Cultural Centre and Wiradjuri Elder, Aunty Ruth Carney. Photography by Sally Pittman. This walk was on the lands of Wongaibon/Wayilwan people.

APA style reference

Goldsmith, K. (2024). Stories of Place, Community & Environment (SPACE) Walk. walk · listen · create.
Submitted by: Kim V. Goldsmith

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A highly influential ideologue of neorealism, scriptwriter and director Cesare Zavattini suggested “pedinare,” the Italian word for stalking or shadowing, as a technique for filmmaking. Pedinare in cinema entailed “tailing someone like a detective, not determining what the character does but seeking to find out what is about to ensue.” The etymology of the word in Italian suggests “legwork” as it is derived from the Italian word for foot, “piede.” It is possible to suggest that the proliferation of images of walking in Italian Neorealism is closely linked to the technique of pedinamento, not because all neorealist filmmakers were followers of Zavattini, but because going out onto the street to encounter the everyday life of post-war Italian cities and creating cinematic tools to articulate these encounters were major concerns for the filmmakers of that era.

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