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SWS23 2022

Telescope Club Sound Walk — A Meditation on Change Along the Canal

Merlin Trotter’s House Boat Named Rosie
Regent's Canal, London, UK
40 minutes

Public Art

Collection · 169 items


Collection · 350 items


Collection · 262 items


Collection · 380 items

Welcome to our sound walk. We have picked 5 locations along a strip of the Regent’s Canal, stretching from the lock by Broadway Market to DeBeauvoir Road. The walk, including stops for each track, will take approximately 40 minutes.
This walk is a meditation on change. We recommend downloading the album and turning your phone on airplane mode to limit distractions.
Each track title corresponds to one of the five stops, and is meant to be listened to in that static location. At each of the locations, you will find a photograph of that location, taken by us in February, 2022. We invite you to closely observe the differences between the photographs and the scenes at present.


Hosted by: Telescope Club

APA style reference

Club, T. (2022). Telescope Club Sound Walk — A Meditation on Change Along the Canal. walk · listen · create.

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data ambulation

The process related to the practical collection of material, acting as post-walk data resource.

Added by Andrea Vassallo

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