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Zoom-in Walk

Zoom-in Walk
Schönwalder Allee 26, Berlin, Deutschland
5 minutes


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Walking piece

The walk replaced the zoom-in function of a photo lens by going from the original point of view to the center of the captured image. At the target point (which happened to be a warning sign), the originally seen image was attached as a photo. In this way, the starting point and the point of destination met in the same image, just as an experience when setting up of lenses: being able to take several viewing positions in the same time without changing one’s own geographical position.

Art Walk is a genre which no product creates, but a unique individual experience. An adequate representation of such experience is only conditionally possible. Photography is a medium that traditionally represents an individual experience. Zoom-in Walk is a project that reflects the interaction of a walk with the camera documenting it.

The project was developed as part of my art walk workshop, which is run as a regular educational program at the creative center for people with physical and cognitive disabilities “Die Macherei” at the Johannesstift Diakonie, Proclusio GmbH Berlin. The walk was made with the group of five people. Due to data protection, the names of the participants may not be mentioned in credits.


Andrey Ustinov &
Die Macherei, Johannesstift Diakonie Berlin, Proclusio GmbH
Hosted by: Die Macherei, Johannesstift Diakonie Berlin, Proclusio GmbH

APA style reference

Ustinov, A. (2022). Zoom-in Walk. walk · listen · create.

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In the 1600s, anteambulate referred to walking in front of someone to show them the way, like an usher. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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