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Curated news 16 Feb, 2021

Brooklyn Botanic Garden launches sound walks for meditation

Brooklyn Botanic Garden which has launched a new series of winter nature walks and sound works in the Garden—site-specific original compositions and audio walks for visitors to experience at their own pace.

Brooklyn Botanic Garden is showcasing three works from January through May: Gelsey Bell and Joseph White’s “Meander,” Ben Rubin and Brian House’s “Terminal Moraine,” and a reprisal of Michael Gordon’s “loved.”

“Each work takes its inspiration from the garden and the temporal sensations one experiences among its natural features, both ancient and fleeting,” according to Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

Source: Brooklyn Botanic Garden launches sound walks for meditation

Submitted by: Andrew Stuck

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A place to gaze. Conspectuses are viewpoints where the terrain opens itself naturally to the viewer, where the eye can thread in and out of the circle of hills, and names suggest a narrative sequence offering the possibility of beginning to know where you are. Traditional conspectus include suidhe (Gaelic, seat), used to view hunting.

Added by Alec Finlay

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