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Mixing in the winners’ circle

20 Nov, 2022

Now that the shortlist for Soundwalks September Awards has been announced, you will start to see featured blog posts written by the shortlist creatives that will provide context to each of their sound walk compositions, so read on about ‘Wandering the (wild) smart city’, as Jo Scott reveals the ‘how’ she created her shortlisted piece in Manchester, UK.

It might be a continent with lots of space but you’ll be surprised how limited the opportunities are for taking a walk in Australia. You can join Molly Wagner in our next Café event on Tuesday, in which she tells us about the creation of her art book ‘No Trespassing’ which documents her attempted peace walk, from the suburbs to the outback in New South Wales.

We’re delighted to celebrate the award-winning Urban Tree Festival,  co-founded by myself and three others in 2018, it has become a hugely popular celebration each May. For the last three years, it has run a very successful writing competition and this year,  walk · listen · create will host the writing competition administration.  It all kicks off on Sunday 4 December, with a free online creative writing workshop facilitated by the Urban Tree Festival’s writers-in-residence Joanna Wolfarth (prose) and M.L. Grieve (poetry), who together chose ‘Secrets of The Trees’ as the theme for 2023 competition.

We’ve been looking into the archives, not just our own, but those of other institutions, to search out examples of creative walking initiatives and walking art. We are going to be setting up a regular online drop-in meeting for anyone who would like to help us in our detective work in tracking down overlooked or forgotten walking pieces.  Look out for monthly posts and invitations in the near future, to join as a ‘Walking Detective’.

Keep walking

Co-founder of walk · listen · create

2022-11-29 19:00 · Online
Molly Wagner, inspired by a major Australian peace walk, will talk about her walks around New South Wales, captured in her book "No Trespassing".

Upcoming events

2022-11-29 19:00 · Online
Molly Wagner, inspired by a major Australian peace walk, will talk about her walks around New South Wales, captured in her book "No Trespassing". Keep reading
2022-12-02 09:30 · Online
Join the walking club Join us for a live virtual walk guided by our mindset coach from wherever you are in the world. All you need is your phone & the zoom app t... Keep reading
2022-12-02 05:00 · Waldschmidtstraße 19, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
What if we could travel through time? The Video-Audio-Walk ALL THE TIME opens a portal into the endless dimensions of time and illuminates the urban space that surr... Keep reading
2022-12-04 17:00 · Online
Joanna Wolfarth and M. L. Grieve, winners of the 2022 Festival writing competition, invite you to a free online creative writing workshop to inspire you to submit w... Keep reading
2022-12-06 19:00 · Amersham Arms, New Cross Road, London, UK
Women walk. Kerri Andrews discusses her book, ‘Wanderers’, about ten women who have found walking essential to their sense of themselves. Sonia Overall takes the pa... Keep reading

From our network

Drop by Small Business Saturday Artist and Writer Mart at Open Book to say hello and buy some artist books from myself, and printed materials from Carbon Copy Co. P... Keep reading
 Day 955 - Scandinavian and 5.1 km drawing.Extinguish and 2.4 km drawing. Keep reading
Où les branches craquent, la forêt se fait parfois percussion, échos et résonances les loups sont bien là et les termites aussi mortelles et les enfants qui arpente... Keep reading
 Day 954 - Revelatory and 2.6 km drawing. Keep reading
` Formé en Juin 2020, le collectif PePaSon rassemble des passionné.e.s de son et de pédagogie, amateur.e.s ou professionnel.le.s. issus de tous les milieux : De l’a... Keep reading
Bitesize audio-theatre podcasts exploring mental health. Read my full Broadway World review here Keep reading

Stuff we found

The ‘Walking with Ghosts’ installation in Kent is billed as an ‘immersive experience’ using projected archive video with a soundscape of music and spoken word. | IT... Keep reading
He started with a giant snowball, then took a walk in a field that ended up inventing a new form of art. Now 77, Long talks about being being expelled from art coll... Keep reading

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Swedish word for feet. Translated it means “horses of the apostles” referring to the apostles traveling on foot.

Added by juanma

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