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Featured SWS22 9 Nov, 2022

The SWS Awards 2022 shortlist


We are very excited to announce the shortlist for the winners of the Sound Walk September Awards 2022.

Over the next few weeks, you’ll be able to read, in more detail, the background of each of the shortlisted works, right here on walk · listen · create.
Later this year, the SWS Advisory Board will decide on the winners and honourable mentions, taken from the shortlist.

This was the first time we worked with an Online Jury in selecting the shortlist. We’re very happy of how this process worked in practice, and are very much looking forward to continuing with the Online Jury next year. If you are interested in taking part in the selection process, let us know.

Here we are, the 13 shortlist pieces for the Sound Walk September Awards 2022 (in alphabetical order):

We have been very happy to see, across the board, the high quality of the submitted work this year. We also note that several of this year’s shortlisted pieces were created by artists who return to the shortlist after also having been recognised for their outstanding work in previous years.
Congratulations to all!

Winners and honourable mentions will be announced in an online ceremony at the start of 2023. Stay tuned.

APA style reference

Fakhamzadeh, B., & Vermeire, G., & Stuck, A. (2022). The SWS Awards 2022 shortlist. walk · listen · create.


Collection · 177 items
Sound Walk September

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