Reach to the sky and see you in Catalonia!
Not only is today literally a Look Up at the Sky day, but as well a Reach to the Sky Day.
It all began with Jack Borden (1948 - 2020), a former Boston newsman witch a passion for the outdoors, taking long nature walks at the Great Meadows, and one day in 1978 woke up from a few minutes snooze in the woods, to see a sky he had never experienced in all his life. “In a millisecond I saw more of the sky than in all my life to that point,” he says. He decided to quit his job and dedicate himself to an educational philosophy of “sky awareness” and founded For Spacious Skies, a nonprofit in the 1980s. The organization focuses on teaching children and adults to live in the moment rather than passing through life without noticing nature’s beauty.
You don’t have to strain your neck to be aware of the sky, the sky is not only what is above us, but around us, and more than just seeing it, we feel the sky. According to a Harvard study, young people who are more aware of the sky are the ones that excel in reading, writing, music, and visual arts. To be aware of the sky is being in the moment, sensing, being aware of what surrounds you and this is exactly what walking is about. Slowing down, not consuming anything, looking at the world from a different perspective and appreciating the small beauties in a hectic, fast-paced, often ugly life.
Even more, today is not only about looking up at the sky but reaching for the sky. Walking is as much about changing perspectives than about being in the moment. Walking invites new possibilities, expectations and visions.
Change, movement, a more than human perspective and future, that is also what is the objective and invitation of the Walking Arts Encounters and Conference in Catalonia, this summer, focusing on transhumances, nomadism and migration, between July 1-6.
This conference and encounters, in a collaboration between Nau Côclea and WLC, will happen for a large part while walking in nature, in between, in the physical space between the cities of Girona and Banyoles, and in the mental and creative space of thinkers and artists joining the walkers, with keynote speakers Radhika Subramaniam, and Luce Choules of TSOEG | Temporal School of Experimental Geography.
Check out the open call for artists and for researchers, open till April 26th. We wait for your proposals.
It is not obligatory to present your work, you can just join and walk with us, taking part in the curated or selected activities and talks.
Before we have a drink in Girona, join us for a meeting with invited writers in conversation with Ann de Forest, Jonathon Stalls and Antonia Malchikat @ Walking America and at our next WALC Café with William Sharpe as our Café guest. His book on The Art of Walking: a history in 100 images was published to wide acclaim.
Looking forward to seeing you next week and walking with you in Catalonia.
co-founder of walk · listen · create
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Free for supporting members, open to everyone
2024-04-17 20:00
· Online
Walking America is a quarterly series of conversations that brings together American writers whose books share common themes. Ann de Forest, writer and editor of the anthology Ways of Walking(New Door Books, 2022), hosts and moderates the lively exchange with Antonia Malchik and Jonathon Stalls. Keep reading
2024-04-23 18:00
· Online
We are delighted to have William Sharpe join us as our Café guest. This time last year, his book on The Art of Walking: a history in 100 images was published to wide acclaim. So how did he come to choose which images best represented the art of walking, and what did he choose to leave out, and why? Keep reading
Support walk · listen · create
walk · listen · create is a member-supported organisation. If you like what we do, and want to see more of it, please become a supporting member.
You will be facilitating a more sustainable organisation and you will contribute to larger prizes for both the SWS and Marŝarto awards. And, as a supporting member, you get free access to our online cafés.
Support us from 5 euros per month. It’s even a bit cheaper if you commit for a whole year. Check out the details.
New walking pieces
The first canvas captures the initial stages of memory corrosion, where fragmented recollections intertwine with the act of walking. Here, blurred images and disjointed pathways symbolize the fleeting nature of memory as one navigates through the labyrinth of the mind.
In the second canvas, wandering takes center st... Keep reading
This is a work shaped out of binaural recordings (please listen with closed headphones or quality earbuds to hear the immersive sound) made by me during a 3-week hike through the landscape of Aragon (Spain) starting from Pont de Suert to Sant Esteve de la Sarga. A group of artists walked all through the pre-Pyrenees, Keep reading
Upcoming events
2024-04-14 13:00
· Green Park Underground Station, Underground Ltd, Piccadilly, London, UK
Want to get to know London through its parks? Join a Walk that takes in the Parks of central London.
Starting at Green Park we will walk through Mayfair and John N... Keep reading
2024-04-17 20:00
· Online
Walking America is a quarterly series of conversations that brings together American writers whose books share common themes. Ann de Forest, writer and editor of th... Keep reading
2024-04-17 16:00
· Thiseio, Athens, Greece
Join Elpida Trizi for a 1 hour 30 min in-person Street Wisdom Walkshop, meeting at Thision Subway Station, Downtown Athens (Google map here) on Wednesday 17th April... Keep reading
2024-04-19 10:00
· Heaton Moor, Stockport SK4 4RL, UK
Join us for a Flourishing Friday on 19th April 2024,with Gary Loftus of Our Happiness Factor in partnership with Flourish Together for a 3-4 hour in-person event, c... Keep reading
20 Apr, 2024 · All day
· The Larick Centre, Shanwell Road, Tayport, UK
Join ArtMovesFife's artists in a creative exploration of beach and forest environments. All art materials provided Keep reading
2024-04-20 17:00
· Horner (Henry) Park, 2741 W Montrose Ave, Chicago, IL 60618, USA
Join Grace Ebert for a 2 hour in-person Street Wisdom Walkshop meeting at Horner Park 2741 W Montrose Ave, Chicago, IL 60618 US on Saturday April 20th 2024! Starts ... Keep reading
From our network
Day 288 - Toby and 4.3 km drawing.Determination and 1.6 km drawing. Keep reading
Walking with intent or simply for joy is a sensory experience of connection with each other and our surrounds in an act that encourages self-awareness. My earlies... Keep reading
Ces jours-ci, j’ai promené mes oreilles sur les rives de la Tardoire, belle rivière dans des écrins ripisylvestres verdoyants, au sud de la Charente et aux portes d... Keep reading
En arpentant et en auscultant la Tardoire, à Montbron, je réfléchis aux façon dont un cours d’eau relie les hommes au territoire, à la nature, aux écosystèmes, aux ... Keep reading
We’re so lucky at Street Wisdom, because we get to work with amazing volunteers who lead Walkshops all over the world, bringing strangers together to share reflecti... Keep reading
By Anabella Lenzu During my MFA at Wilson College, PA in Summer 2017, I started using drawings to leave vestiges of my body and my movements on paper, using crayons... Keep reading
Day 283 - Trace and 1.8 km drawing.Medieval and 1.9 km drawing. Keep reading
Every now and then I find bits of video on old phones or wherever and that's precisely what this is. Some footage of The Tour of All Tours in Shanghai. Seeing as th... Keep reading
Stuff we found
The bestselling author has always hated being on his own, so why does he spend a few days every year hiking alone in the wind and rain? Just don’t call it a midlife... Keep reading
Even an ‘easy’ part of this 125-mile walking trail on the French island presents challenges for mind and body, but the rewards for persistence are infinite Source: ... Keep reading
Wildlife, fossils and industrial heritage add extra interest to this wild cliff walk to an inn for all seasons Source: A Pembrokeshire coast walk to a warm, welcomi... Keep reading
Russ Cook from Worthing reaches Ras Angela, Tunisia, after covering more than 9,900 miles in 352 days Source: ‘I’m a little bit tired’: Briton becomes first person ... Keep reading