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Why do you walk?

15 Jan, 2023

A direct question for which would like to hear your answers.

This is the time of year when people make resolutions, for some it is to walk more often for health reasons: individual, public or planet health.

In the last 30 years, in the UK especially, walking for health has grown tremendously through what is described as ‘social prescribing’ but also as it has become big business, with private health insurers keen to seduce new clients, by offering discounts and benefits for those who walk more.

The benefits of walking are well known to our readers but to many, they are still an anathema.  We at walk · listen · create want to build bridges between our creative community, with public health and those individuals seeking to make their lifestyles healthier.  

Can you help us build those bridges? We are looking for creatives who already incorporate healthy initiatives in their practice whether it is as a walking therapist, or through offering walking meditations or spiritual renewal, or creative writing to improve mental health. In May this year the UK celebrates creativity and wellbeing and walking in nature, and we believe there are great opportunities for walking creatives to expand their reach.  

You don’t have to wait until May to get involved with our programmes, coming out shortly is the announcement of the winner of the Sound Walk September Award, and we also have a Walking Detective meet up to which we hope you will come and join us, as we search archives and seek out fellow walking creative practitioners from around the world.  And should the urge take you, why not put pen to paper and submit a story or poem to the Urban Tree Festival writing competition, that reveals the “Secrets of the Trees”.

Keep walking!

Co-founder of walk · listen · create

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2023-01-23 20:00 · Online
We want to uncover the forgotten or not yet revealed walking compositions - will you help us in our detective work as we search through archives and make connection... Keep reading

From our network

Day 1012 - Literacy and 4.0 km drawing. Keep reading
Henderson LakeFreezing fog, gathering geese.Location: Lethbridge, AlbertaLength: 5 kmCompanions: MaryDate: 15 January, 2023 [...] Keep reading
Day 1011 - Transitional and 3.5 km drawing.Inundate and 2.2 km drawing.Crepuscular and 2.1 km drawing. Keep reading
Farmyard WalkWalk to the junkyard on a warm winter day.Location: Southern AlbertaLength: 2 kmCompanions: TomDate: 14 January, 2023 [...] Keep reading
Today’s walking: from the parking lot to my office. From my office to First Nations University of Canada and back again. To the coffee shop. To the place that sells... Keep reading
I am delighted that my essay, Shadows and Reflections was published by Caught by the River in January 2023'I imagine plotting this puddle’s soundings on cloth like ... Keep reading
I don’t know who we are anymore. I remember five years ago, the hushed, rushed conversations we had. I remember the scans, the diagnosis. The see-saw of hope and de... Keep reading
J’imagine, dans un festival, ou ailleurs, la co-écriture/lecture d’un paysage sonore déambulant, avec un ou plusieurs musiciens, lecteurs, performeurs, danseurs.. …... Keep reading
Most years I try and write my year in review post as close … Keep reading
I walked downtown in the fog to the optometrist late this morning. It wasn’t cold enough for frost to form anywhere. Everything was grey. After my appointment, the ... Keep reading
Le 30 septembre 2005, Sonoris Causa voit le jour. Blog hétéroclite, bavard, publiant à l’instinct… Des textes, images et séquences … Plus Keep reading

Stuff we found

Stephanie Boxall uncovers stories of our collective heritage as she walks along pathways from the past to the present Source: Resurgence • Article – Trods, Trails a... Keep reading
Guwahati: This weekend saw Guwahati alive with the spirit of photography – with experienced and novice shutterbugs coming together for a photography tour Source: Fr... Keep reading

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To walk, tread, or step especially heavily.

Added by Morag Paterson

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