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Pandemic walking

Pandemic walking

The Covid 19 crisis of 2020-21 has taken many names, including “The Great Pause.” It has forced us to halt our usual habit patterns and critically reflect on how we conduct our daily lives. New forms of movement and sociability have emerged in the wake of this global pandemic. Why and how do people develop walking practices during periods of physical and psychological constraint? What has this experience revealed to us, and how have our attitudes towards walking shifted as a result, perhaps even in ways that we can crry with us in a post-Covid reality?

This cafe conversation centers on academic research and artistic practices that investigate the act of walking as shaped by pandemic conditions.

Speakers: Ana Correa Do Lago (Brazil), Martin P Eccles (UK), Georgios Varoutsos (UK), moderated by Lydia Matthews, Professor of Visual Culture, Parsons School of Design / The New School, New York (US).

Presentations of the speakers:

Ana Correa Do Lago: Caretakers of Parque do Flamengo (pdf)

Martin P Eccles: Walking Contención Island (audio paper)

Georgios Varoutsos:

Walk Listen Café @ WAC brings scholars and artists together around their research and their practices related to walking arts in a series of 8 online meet ups and conversations. Prerecorded paper presentations and other media will be available in this post at least 48 hours before the Walk Listen Café starts, and the participants are requested to look into the online materials before joining the Café.


Lydia Matthews

Lydia Matthews

Martin Eccles

Martin Eccles

(United Kingdom) 
Georgios Varoutsos

Georgios Varoutsos

(Canada / United Kingdom) 
Ana Correa do Lago

Ana Correa do Lago

This event has happened

Walking as a Question

4 - 17 Jul, 2021 · 109 items

17 Jul, 2021 · 18:00 Africa/Abidjan
17 Jul, 2021 · 18:00 Africa/Abidjan
17 Jul, 2021 · 18:00 UTC

Video recording
Only available to registered users.

walk · listen · café

Collection · 95 items


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Pandemic Walking

This cafe conversation centers on academic research and artistic practices that investigate the act of walking as shaped by pandemic conditions.

Sound walk

walkplacedistancetime: Kittiwake Triptych

An exploration of time and place through replicated walking.

Import from Echoes
Sound walk

Peace Wall Belfast Soundwalks

An immersive binaural experience with six soundscapes composed to highlight relationships between realism and perception of different sonic markers or events occurring throughout the year at the Peace Wall.

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When the mind & body are casting about together, questioning encountering & discovering.

Added by R and F Mo

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