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The Walking Body 3


Lines and steps, weaving words and walks

The Walking Body 3 (TWB3) is an international encounters of walking artists between March 21 and 27, 2022, in Guimarães, in Bairro C, with the meeting point at Galeria da Garagem Avenida/EAAD.
The Walking Body 3 includes a week of walkshops, a roundtable at Sociedade Martins Sarmento, a conference on Lines and steps, weaving words and walking at Museu Alberto Sampaio, and an artist residency in Gerês.

The Walkshops take place in Bairro C and have as a meeting point the Galeria da Garagem Avenida EAAD (Av. Dom Afonso Henriques 250), carried out by invited international artists, between 21 and 25 March 2022. These workshops are open to anyone through form registration:

For more information, consult the calendar at:

The TWB3 Roundtable on March 21, 2022, at 9:00 pm, at Sociedade Martins Sarmento (Rua Paio Galvão, nº2). It is open to all those interested in art and the act of walking, exploring the theme of the meeting and presenting the activities of the week of TWB3.

The Conference “Lines and steps, weaving words and walks” discusses, through presentations by the invited artists, how the consciousness, perception and understanding of the city of Guimarães can be changed through the act of walking. It takes place at the Alberto Sampaio Museum (Rua Alfredo Guimarães), on March 23, 2022, at 2:30 pm. This conference is open to anyone to attend.

TWB3 will have the following artists: Anna Luyten (BE), Clara Garí (ES), Fred Adam (FR/ES), Geert Vermeire (BE), Klitsa Antoniou (CY), Miguel Bandeira Duarte (PT), Natacha Antão Moutinho ( PT), and Yannis Ziogas (GR).

This project is organized in partnership with the School of Architecture, Art and Design /UMinho, with the institutional support of Lab2PT and the University of Minho, and financial support from the Municipality of Guimarães under IMPACTA and the Creative Mobility Program I-Portunus .

This event is free and open to the participation of any person, student, artist, interested or curious. Anyone under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

The Walking Body art project and walkshops have been developed since October 2018 and are organized by Geert Vermeire (Made of Walking), Miguel Bandeira Duarte (EAAD/Lab2PT) and Natacha Antão Moutinho (EAAD/Lab2PT).

[email protected]


Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 
Miguel Bandeira Duarte

Miguel Bandeira Duarte

Anna Luyten

Anna Luyten

Clara Gari

Clara Gari

Walking, cooking, loving, exploring and wine drinking (Spain) 
Yannis Ziogas

Yannis Ziogas

I wander in places visible/ invisible. I find objects/incidents (Greece) 
Fred Adam

Fred Adam

Klitsa Antoniou

Klitsa Antoniou

Natacha Moutinho

Natacha Moutinho

This event has happened

21 - 27 Mar, 2022

Avenida Dom Afonso Henriques 250, Guimarães, Portugal

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To walk with long, purposeful strides: Here’s Robbie comin stendin up da rodd.

Added by Janette Kerr

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