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Walking Detectives meet up

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We want to uncover the forgotten or not yet revealed walking compositions – will you help us in our detective work as we search through archives and make connections with walking artists, performers and writers across the globe?

Can you help us grow the walk · listen · create archive, with details of walking pieces, and works about walking, that may have lain dormant for many years? We are also keen to reach out beyond the traditional territories, to make connections with walking creatives across the globe.

When we search archives using “walking art” or “sound walk” as search terms, how many of the results fall within our existing definitions, and how many are new to us, and of their creators, how many have continued to make walking art? Try it yourself – pick a popular cultural or heritage institution or online database, to see what you find, and share it with us.

Walking Detectives are researching:

  • contemporary writers in the USA who are writing about walking, as well as checking into some new walking art initiatives.
  • Chinese artists who are still making walking work despite the restrictions there
  • sound walks, sound artists and how radio has interpreted walking art
  • Australian walking artists and how their work has been exhibited
  • walking and journaling

We would welcome your suggestions and discoveries, so do come and join this Walking Detective meet-up.

Following each meet-up, we will be publishing blog posts about what we’ve discovered.

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2023-07-31 18:00
2023-07-31 18:00
2023-07-31 18:00



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Sound walk

Sydney Gardens Tree Weekender audio anthology

Rustling in the leaves Through dappled sunlight, a shower of falling leaves, and with colours of autumn all around you, you can now listen to poetry and prose inspired by trees in parks and public gardens while you stroll through Bath’s Sydney Gardens.     Bath & North East Somerset Council celebrated trees in parks and public gardens

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hybrid flaneur/flaneuse

Hybrid flaneur/flaneuse has become a performative “orchestrator” of steps and technologies – of sensory and emotional encounters. It is this oscillation between the poetic, the socio-technological, the geographical and the emotional that shifts the meaning of flanerie and walking in the 21st century. Hybrid flaneur/flaneuse can be also described in line with the cultural and aesthetic trajectories of the 20th century ambulatory practices. Therefore, a hybrid flaneur/flaneuse could be a creative merging of the romanticised view of early flaneur, the radical tactics and political implications of psychogeography and the performative/site-oriented elements of Fluxus and Land Art – all considered through a wide range of embodied media, social and geographical sensitivities.

Added by Bill Psarras

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