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SWS24 New 2024

30 Days of Walking

Sound walkers
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Collection · 217 items


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Collection · 230 items


Collection · 372 items
Sound walk

For Sound Walk September 2020, walk · listen · create created a collaborative sound walk. Everyone was invited to participate in this project involving scores of participants, with the aim of creating a 30-day sound walk.

The results were hosted on a map-based interactive website.

This website was retired in 2024, and the submitted material was converted into one extended sound walk, available on YouTube.

APA style reference

Fakhamzadeh, B., & Markovich, Z., & Vermeire, G., & Low Madigan, A., & Stuck, A., & Cooke, F., & os, & Kastelein, I., & Josh Croft, & Ottaway, H., & genevieverudd, & AndySp, & Diekman, K., & Riggall, J., & Horne, J., & MacFarlane, M., & Etter, S., & mollie davidson, & Lorraine, & tfsquirrel, & Stevens, F., & Cracknell, L., & Wiersum, F., & Gavazza, G., & Berger, K., & Claire Barwell (2024). 30 Days of Walking. walk · listen · create.
Babak Fakhamzadeh

Babak Fakhamzadeh

Co-founder of walk · listen · create (Netherlands / Iran / Brazil) 
Zorica Kelly Markovich

Zorica Kelly Markovich

Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 
Alison Low Madigan

Alison Low Madigan

(United Kingdom) 
Andrew Stuck

Andrew Stuck

Co-founder of walk · listen · create (United Kingdom) 





Ienke Kastelein


Josh Croft

Helen Ottaway

Helen Ottaway

(United Kingdom) 




Kristine Diekman

Kristine Diekman



(United Kingdom) 

Jules Horne

(United Kingdom) 
Miranda MacFarlane

Miranda MacFarlane

(United Kingdom) 
Simone Etter

Simone Etter


mollie davidson





Fay Stevens

Fay Stevens

(United Kingdom) 
Linda Cracknell

Linda Cracknell

(United Kingdom) 

Friso Wiersum

Giuseppe Gavazza

Giuseppe Gavazza

Karen Berger

Karen Berger


Claire Barwell


Supported by

walk · listen · create

Babak Fakhamzadeh
Geert Vermeire
Annemarie Lopez
Andrew Stuck

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diddies, ditties

Walking in your sleep crying and bawling from a nightmare, as in “You were up with the ditties again last night.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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