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SWS19 2017

Balade avec Rimbô

Multiple locations
60 minutes
French, Greek
Sound walk

A site specific short sound walk novel written (in French) in the village of La Romieu, including soundscapes, musical compositions, and “book” illustration that appear on your screen when approaching relevant places in the “cat” village. Complemented with narratives of the inhabitants of La Romieu about their personal relations with cats. Made with the Belgian softwareplatform Ojoo. Text was written by Christian Porre, soundscapes and drawings by Stefaan. Media walk design by Geert Vermeire focusing on interaction between text and places. Presented in La Romieu at the occasion of Sound Walk Sunday 2017.

A new extended version will be made for Sound Walk Sunday 2019, and be inaugurated as a live performance in the framework of Athens International Book Fair / Analogio Festival in September 2019.

En balade avec Rimbô

CC-BY-NC: Babak Fakhamzadeh

APA style reference

Vermeire, G. (2017). Balade avec Rimbô. walk · listen · create.

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To walk slowly, reticently, scuffing shoes on path, hold back in a belligerent way.

Added by Carolyn Black

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