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head and phones, land and scape, night or day, all one shape

Multiple locations
60 minutes
Sound walk

self-performance audio-guide
with 11 tracks for the land, the meadows, hills and paths
behind the Meakusma Festival site at Kulturzentrum Alter Schlachthof in Eupen (Belgium)

The headphones of this piece are the friend that takes you by the hand for a really personal trip into the wilderness. They are your treat and trick while you walk into the fields, leaving behind the safety of common grounds, deeper and deeper into the forest of no trees, the meadow of your body, your place, time and soul.


CC-BY-NC: Babak Fakhamzadeh

APA style reference

Helbich, D. (2016). head and phones, land and scape, night or day, all one shape. walk · listen · create.

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A memory of landscape or an illustrated poem.

Added by Alec Finlay

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