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Lucas’ Kopfkino

Lucas’ Kopfkino
Deutsches Filmmuseum, Schaumainkai, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
25 minutes


Collection · 392 items


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Collection · 480 items
Sound walk

Movie character Lucas finally wants to have a real adventure.

While the children in the auditorium look spellbound at the screen, movie character Lucas is bored. After all, he already knows exactly what will happen next. Every time the film is shown, exactly the same things happen. And each time, Lucas plays only an unimportant supporting role, while his friends Anna and Yassin take center stage. But that’s over now! Lucas leaves the movie and sets out to have an adventure of his own in the real world.

This audio walk was created by Storydive’s founder Sophie Burger and commissioned by LUCAS film festival for a young audience.


idea, script and cover illustration: Sophie Burger
voices: Tobias Krell, Violetta Sarnes, Madeline Reinaldo Mendoza, Jannis Betz
production: Marie Wolters
sound: Holger Jung

Hosted by: Storydive

APA style reference

Storydive, & Burger, S. (2018). Lucas’ Kopfkino. walk · listen · create.


Audiowalk App (Germany) 
Sophie Burger

Sophie Burger

writer, producer, founder of the audio walk platform Storydive (Germany) 

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One who carries a heavy bag for another who is intent on spoiling a walk.

Added by Andrew Stuck

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