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Occupational hazard

Scheffelplatz, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
30 minutes

creative writing

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Collection · 394 items
Walking piece

“Occupational Hazard” is an audio journey located at the heart of Karlsruhe, Germany, unfolding the story of two figures amidst a shadowy night. Nick, enduring a five-hour wait in the bitter cold, is met not by Rada as expected, but by a stranger. Frustration sets in – what’s the next move? With resolve, Nick lowers his hood and strides forward, while one of his neighbours, the psychology Mattis, observes in silence. Though their lips remain sealed and they never see each other in-person, an imperceptible tie binds their lives together.


author & voice: Lilith Diringer
Hosted by: story dive

APA style reference

lilith (2017). Occupational hazard. walk · listen · create.

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earl-footed, hurdle-footed, club-footed

As in “He’s got feet like an earl-footed turnip” (said of someone who walks with his feet turned out). from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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