Resounding Cities was a collaborative project which seeked to explore the concept and practices of urban rituals and the ways in they are imprinted on the sensory scape of the city. The artistic processes involved workshops in three cities – Athens, Brussels and Lisbon, and resulted in a sound map and sound walks in these cities.
As well a collaboration was established with an international network of visual artists, musicians and social scientists, who contributed with recordings from various others cities. The final workshop in Athens was conducted in active correspondence and exchange between the two parallel sound walk workshops in Lisbon (The Milena Principle / Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon) and in Brussels (The Milena Principle / School of Arts – RITS, Radio Department), curated by Geert Vermeire.
In order to exchange soundscapes and to actively discuss on the notion of urban rituals, we designed a blog constantly renewed with audiovisual material and an interactive, audiovisual map. Distant participants that contributed with sound and visual material were: Dzovinar Mikirditsian (Paris), Doris Hakim (Antwerp), Sinan Bokesoy (Istanbul) and Nikos Bubaris (Venice, Madrid).
A sound walk bringing the recordings of all participating cities together was realised with the open source locative media platform noTours and presented during the Arts & Science Exhibition at the Athens Science Festival and part of the exhibition Welcome to Ecumenopolis curated by METASITU in metamatic:taf, Athens 2015.
About noTours: