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Saskambis #1. Lukiskiu aikste.

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Walking piece

A piece by composer Jonas Jurkūnas. About the city that we do not see, and do not experience on the regular basis. However, this city is as real as the everyday world, that we are used to.
This walking piece invites to hear the musical soundscapes of the Lukiškės square, the place that is loaded with present, past or even future histories, using the Echoes app.
Every path, and tree have their unique sonic space, that overlaps, and is mixed with your legs, as you move.
The Lukiškės square has experienced a series of transformations: from being a uburb in the 17th century, to a city market square, to an execution place in 19th century, to a Lenin square during Soviet occupation of Lithuania, and finally to a modern and open city square, with green and cosy areas, also open and rhythmic parts full of pedestrians and skaters.


Jonas Jurkūnas
Hosted by: Divirate

APA style reference

Jurkunas, J. (2021). Saskambis #1. Lukiskiu aikste.. walk · listen · create.

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found actions

Actions that people engage in – including walking – extracted from everyday life and inspected in isolation. After the method of using ‘ready-made’ objects or ‘Found Objects’.

Added by Patrick Ford

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