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SCU CubeWalk Soundtrail

Lismore NSW, Australia
55 minutes
Sound walk

With her radio production students at Southern Cross University in 2016, Jeanti St Clair made a locative audio walk on the Lismore campus to share stories of student and staff passion and resilience as an orientation to university life.

With it, you can explore Southern Cross University’s Lismore campus via its immersive documentary-based CubeWalk Soundtrail. The walk features 12 short profiles revealing powerful stories of resilience, support, passion and success from SCU students and staff.

The CubeWalk Soundtrail follows SCU’s CubeWalk network of public artwork and adds a new experiential layer to the interactive cubes, their mobile learning interfaces and the CubeWalk’s multimedia archives. The CubeWalk Soundtrail aims to foster environmental awareness, a sense of belonging and social inclusion amongst people from diverse cultural backgrounds.

The CubeWalk Soundtrail can be used for tutorial activities, allowing tutors to design audio-enhanced walks which explore specific concepts relevant to their teaching content.

The soundwalk is available through the app Soundtrails:

APA style reference

St Clair, J. (2016). SCU CubeWalk Soundtrail. walk · listen · create.

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dauner, daunder

A Scottish version of a walk that drifts.

Added by Alec Finlay

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