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Soundwalk Whitehorse

Yukon 1, Whitehorse, YT Y0B, Canada
60 minutes
Sound walk
No longer available

Join us for a soundwalk along the banks of the Yukon River, from Robert Service campground to Chambers House in Shipyards Park. Along the way, we will listen to the sounds around us — the movement of the river, birdsong, the rustling of leaves and flowers, the rush of traffic, the sounds of our footsteps. You may have walked this route many times — this time, we will make listening (rather than seeing) the focus. Sound ecologist Hildegard Westerkamp describes a soundwalk as “any excursion whose main purpose is listening to the environment [by giving] our ears priority”. We will seek to listen more deeply to our environment, as a means of connecting to it, as the root for artistic practice, or simply for the pleasure of it. Everyone is welcome!

You are welcome to bring a recording device if you wish, to make field recordings along the way, but all you need to bring is yourself and your ears!

APA style reference

Jeffery, C. (2017). Soundwalk Whitehorse. walk · listen · create.

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The field of study of the architect-walker.

Added by stephen hodge

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