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SWS21 2021

Ted The Mole in the Touristed City

Firenze, FI, Italia
24 minutes
English, Italian

The International Analogio Festival

21 - 28 Sep, 2021 · 10 items

Walking as a Question

4 - 17 Jul, 2021 · 109 items


Collection · 280 items


Collection · 480 items


Collection · 390 items


Collection · 389 items

This work it’s thought to be a site specific piece. Before listening to it, please choose a place in your city that has been recently modified for the worse, becoming less human friendly and more hostile in its spatial design and architecture: here, there should start your audio walking experience.
You’ll have some instructions during the listening, if you are in, please send us by email your reactions, all this is to be continued.

We are going to tell you a story. You’ll hear about Firenze, the ancient Renaissance city that turned into a tourist themed park and became Touristed City. You’ll hear about Wario Nazdella, the caricatural virtual entity of the turisted mayor, and the polyphonic and metamorphic voice of Ted the Mole, a maverick fictional device – born out of a performative error – who moves in the opposite direction the norm would expect; Ted is a narrative gambit, a multimodal connector, an urban hybrid… and more. Bring an animal attitude and your body and… Have a lucid listening!

(This is a Carders’ Assembly collective work. Leading curators: Marco Di Domenico, Enrico Tomassini, Jessica Mazzotti)

Andy Warhol,The Philosophy of Andy Warhol: (From A to B and Back Again), 1977
David Harvey, The Right to the City, Web, 2008
Jala Erzen,The City as a Social Sculpture, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 2014
Mick Wilson and Tom Holert, 2010, ‘Latent Essentialism: An E-mail exchange on Art, Research and
Education’, Curating and Educational Turn, London, Open Editions
Rodolphe Christin, Turismo di Massa ed Usura del Mondo // Mass Tourism and World Exploitation,
Milano, Elèuthera (2019)
Wolf Bukowsky, La buona educazione degli oppressi – Piccola Storia del Decoro// The good education of
the oppressed – A short history of decorum, Bologna, Alegre Edition (2019)
Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus a brief history of tomorrow, London, Harvill Secker (2016)


Hosted by: HUB Prespa

APA style reference

Tomassini, E., & The Mole, T. (2021). Ted The Mole in the Touristed City. walk · listen · create.
Enrico Tomassini

Enrico Tomassini

Who is Ted

Who is Ted



walking a question

Walking as a Question, crossing walking, writing and listening

Some years ago Kristine Samson und Sanne Krogh Grogh proposed the Audio Paper bringing together audio, performance and text in a new and hybrid format. This concept was extended into a new form of audio walk, during the Walking Arts Encounters / Conference in Prespa. Writers of these audio papers are invited to talk at this Walk Listen Café.

Sound walk

Ted in the Touristic City

Take a Sound walk of urban critique and research wherever you are; preferably, this might work best if you are in Florence and can understand Italian. You will find that TED the Mole will also guide you in your perceptions of the tourist city. Get back to us once you are done.

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The field of study of the architect-walker.

Added by stephen hodge

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