I use replicated walks to explore time and place. Prior to this work I had used the method of my walking the same route in the same geographical location over time so that my compositions presented movement over time and distance. In Kittiwake Triptych I took a more conceptual approach to what was being replicated; here I was walking to the same place by virtue of it being the site of the same biological phenomenon, a breeding site (a cliff) of the same seabird (the kittiwake) with the same sound. Thus, replication is founded in the biological and sonic attributes of a place, rather than a geographical location.
I made recordings walking to, for 20 minutes at, and walking from, three different Kittiwake colonies on relatively remote coastal cliffs in Newfoundland, Canada and Northumberland, UK. Along with recorded haibun these were composed and presented as sequential radio broadcasts on my monthly radio programme walkplacedistancetime.
Hosted by: ResonanceEXTRA