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Walking in the Anthropocene – Planetary Walking


Walking arts today became a response to the deep environmental  global crisis we are facing today.  Walking is one of the keys to contextualize and deepen our understanding and relation with the planet place we live on. It is more and more clear that the future will be ecological or there will not be a future for our species.         

Walking our planet is the opportunity to explore this question.  The sounds, the living creatures, the plants, the geopoetics of every place are some of the factors that connect us to a Nature that is experienced and lived. Walking in and beyond Prespa is stepping out of the time and space of the man-made environment, entering in a no man’s land of nature, bringing us back what was before and to where we belong.

Speakers are Mar Alzamora (Panama), Chris Omni (US), Simona Vermeire (Romania), Geert Vermeire and Fred Adam (Belgium/Spain), Stephanie Whitelaw (UK), Rich Blundell (US), moderated by Faye Tzanetoulakou.
The speakers were asked to provide a presentation of their work, in preparation for the café:

Walk Listen Café @ WAC brings scholars and artists together around their research and their practices related to walking arts in a series of 8 online meet ups and conversations. Prerecorded paper presentations and other media will be available in this post at least 48 hours before the Walk Listen Café starts, and the participants are requested to look into the online materials before joining the Café.


Faye Tzanetoulakou

Faye Tzanetoulakou

Mar Alzamora

Mar Alzamora

Simona Vermeire

Simona Vermeire

Stephanie Whitelaw

Stephanie Whitelaw

Chris Omni

Chris Omni

Fred Adam

Fred Adam

Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire

co-founder of walk · listen · create (Belgium) 
This event has happened

Walking as a Question

4 - 17 Jul, 2021 · 109 items

2021-07-12 18:00
2021-07-12 18:00

Walking in the Athropocene video recording
Only available to registered users.

walk · listen · café

Collection · 91 items


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Walking in the Anthropocene – Planetary Walking

Walking arts today became a response to the deep environmental global crisis we are facing today. Walking is one of the keys to contextualize and deepen our understanding and relation with the planet place we live on. It is more and more clear that the future will be ecological or there will not be a future for our species.

Sound walk

Soundwalk: “Aquí habita un río” (A river lives here)

Have you ever talked to a river? Bodies of water carry knowledge about who we are and how we related to the human and non-human. Panama City has a strong bond with bodies of water through the Panama Canal and its eight urban rivers, but how is that relationship? This multisensorial soundwalk followed one of

Sound walk


Waterwalk seeks to explore the symbiosis of internal and external water sources within the body and the atmosphere. water walk will include interactive, sense-based guides and engage with inner and outer themes of water. Harnessing the fluid, meditative quality of water; the paper will guide a walking pattern that seeks to meander, formlessly like the

Walking piece

Soles of Black Women: Walking Art as a Means to Reverse Engineer the Strong Black Woman Phenomena

Dr. Chris Omni's doctoral research on Black Joy in Green Spaces is now presented as a walking art performance that encourages Black women to prioritize rest. This piece is filmed in a way that poetically invites audiences to walk in the shoes of BW.

Walking piece

Libraries as Gardens – sound walk in Athens

The National Garden of Athens is transformed into an audio book of stories by people all over the world, during the pandemic, telling about their favorite public gardens and reading from their favorite books at home during lockdown. You can listen to the recordings while walking inside the National Garden of Athens through a webapp

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GPS, geo-poetic system

Geo-poetic system was a term coined by Lucy Frears during locative media art research (published 2017). The basis of geopoetics, a theory and practice developed by Scottish philosopher and poet Kenneth White, is to connect humans to the lines of the earth (White cited in McManus 2007: 183), or ‘what’s out there’ (Ingold 1993; 154; White 2005: 200; White 2006: 9). The contact White describes is often between the human mind and the earth, what he calls ‘landscape-mindscape’ (Legendre 2011: 121). Because of the embodied nature of locative media experiences using a smartphone in landscape for these walking art experiences using gps technologies Frears expanded this notion to being ‘landscape-mindscape-bodyscape’ (2017).

Added by Lucy Frears

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