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SWS20 2020

Drifting to Third Ward

Main street, Houston, TX, USA

Drifting Bodies / Fluent Spaces

22 - 24 Jul, 2020 · 33 items
Sound walk


If you want to walk, try walking on your “Main Street”. Walk toward an art gallery. Go into every room and look around. If you don’t find an art gallery, make one. Continue to move in and out of air-conditioned places. For those of you in the southern hemisphere, central heating will work too. If there’s a freeway anywhere around, make sure you cross it. If there is no freeway, look for railroad tracks.

Drifting to Third Ward by Karen O’Rourke

After the 20 minutes sound walk, following the instructions above, a walking conversation will start between Karen O’Rourke, Yannis Ziogas and Geert Vermeire, where you can listen in through Zoom.
To join the conversation while walking you need to have downloaded the zoom app on your phone and use the full details below to log in.

Full text. 


CC-BY-NC: Geert Vermeire


Hosted by: Drifting Bodies / Fluid Spaces - Made of Walking (VII) - Guimaraes (Portugal) - 22-24 July 2020

APA style reference

O'Rourke, K. (2020). Drifting to Third Ward. walk · listen · create.

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dauner, daunder

A Scottish version of a walk that drifts.

Added by Alec Finlay

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