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SWS19 2019

Ecumenopolis – the whole world is one city

Multiple locations
60 minutes
Sound walk

“Ecumenopolis – the whole world is one city”, a series of collaborative and global sound walks created for Sound Walk Sunday 2019.

The sound walks are made for individual walkers around the British Library London, the State Library of Moscow, the National Library of Greece and the City Library of Sao Paulo, during September 2019.

Ecumenopolis (from Greek: οἰκουμένη oecumene, meaning “world”, and πόλις polis “city”, thus “a city made of the whole world”; pl. ecumenopolises or ecumenopoleis) is the hypothetical concept of a planetwide city. The word was invented in 1967 by the Greek city planner Constantinos Doxiadis to represent the idea that in the future urban areas and megalopolises would eventually fuse and there would be a single continuous worldwide city as a progression from the current urbanization, population growth, transport and human networks.

Co-producer of Sound Walk Sunday – Geert Vermeire created with local sound artists in Sao Paulo, London and Moscow a sound walk in each of these cities.

Sound walk (mobile devices) and sound map (desktop) are accessible from September 2019, here.
Guided walks are organized in the different cities during September.
Headphones and smartphone with mobile data connection needed.

London: From 1 September
Sao Paulo: From 21 September
Moscow: From 21 September
Athens: From 21 September

Athens Walks in the frame of the Athens International Book Fair 2019 and Analogio Festival 2019, with simultaneous walks during September in Moscow, Sao Paulo and in London.

The sound walks elaborate on Geert Vermeire’s earlier artistic research, since 2015, in the course of collaborations to the international interdisciplinary project Ecumenopolis in Athens (metasitu:taf), at the Athens Science Festival / Arts and Science Exhibition, at the Faculty of Fine Arts – University of Lisbon, RITCS School of Arts Brussels and QO2-workspace for experimental contemporary music and sound art in Brussels, working together with the collective Akoo-o, the Milena principle and the Urban Emptiness Network.

Artists: Ekaterina Trubina, Lisa Sazonova, Maria Molokova -State Conservatory Moscow, Fabiana Quintana, Henrique Souza Lima, Yonara Dantas, Migue Antar, Gustavo and and Marina Mapurunga NuSom – University Sao Paulo. Lead by Geert Vermeire. Created with CGeomap. British Library presentation video.

The sound walk in London went along with a workshop at the British Library on Saturday August 31st : “Recording and listening in between sounds and silences. A Sound Walk Sunday walkshop in and around the British Library.” by Sound Walk Sunday co-producers Geert Vermeire and Andrew Stuck. Recordings at/around the British Library were made by Edwin Hind, Christiana Kazakou, Michael Duggan and Cristina Kiminami

Info: [email protected]

APA style reference

Vermeire, G. (2019). Ecumenopolis – the whole world is one city. walk · listen · create.

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Means of transport by foot; or portable device exploited to encourage walking.

Added by Misha Myers

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