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Sound walk

U-GRUVE AR is an Audio Augmented Reality system and app that enables composers to create interactive soundtracks for public spaces, and lets participants experience those pieces via their smartphone with the U-GRUVE AR app installed.

The app consists of multiple soundwalks at various sites in New York City, such as Lincoln Center, The High Line, Washington Square Park, Central Park’s Conservatory Garden, and more, with music composed by leading composers in New York’s experimental and electro-acoustic music scene. Participants can experience those pieces at any time, for as long as they want, provided the location is open and accessible

In conjunction with the New York SoundWalkers Meetup, we have three group soundwalks scheduled from 28 August through 26 September.

28 Aug: “seven for dc casfader wandering”, by Jesse Stiles (2016), at The High Line
18 Sep: “Orela”, by Barbara J Weber (2016), at Lincoln Center Plaza
26 Sep: “Walkie Talkie Dream Garden”, by Dafna Naphtali (2018), on the waterfront of Williamsburg, Brooklyn


Hosted by: New York SoundWalkers Meetup

APA style reference

Rodkin, R. (2016). U-GRUVE AR. walk · listen · create.

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The first sense of snudging refers to being cheap, stingy, miserly, and Scrooge-like. Such penny-pinching behavior isn’t associated with great posture, and perhaps that’s why the word later referred to walking with a bit of a stoop. An English-French dictionary from 1677 captures the essence of snudgery: “To Snudge along, or go like an old Snudge, or like one whose Head is full of business.” Snudging is a little like trudging. Credits to Mark Peters.

Added by Geert Vermeire

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