My feed

Elinor Whidden

Personal websites

Personal websites

Dora Frankel

Dora Frankel
Personal websites

Dallas Simpson

This is my home site. Environmental performance through sensory contact and walking are means by which we may all develop an ongoing relationship with our environment and contribute to the collective custodi...
Dallas Simpson
Personal websites

Cheryl Markosky

Shedding light on flash fiction and flashy property
Cheryl Markosky
Personal websites


Cecilia Tyrrell
Personal websites

Blake Morris

Blake Morris
Blake Morris
Personal websites

Bill Psarras
Personal websites

Bernadette Russell

I’m an author, performance storyteller, poet, playwright, theatre maker and tree planter
Personal websites

base80 :-)

Beestachtig - Wildsnoeier - Cutting Hedge - m²Circles - Walking Around
Personal websites

Barbara Lounder

Artist's website
Barbara Lounder
Personal websites

Babak's personal website.
Babak Fakhamzadeh
Personal websites

Aurora dos Campos

Num gesto humorado reproduzi uma Espada de São Jorge em alcatifa. Um trabalho comum em cenografia quando procuramos maneiras variadas de produzir “Fakes” de objetos, paredes, entre outros. Aqui refletia sobre as camadas da representação, o origin...
Personal websites

Amanda Gutierrez’ Artist Website

Personal websites

Tim Shaw’s artist website

Artist and researcher Tim Shaw works with sound, light, and communication media to create performances, installations, and site-responsive interventions.
Tim Shaw
Personal websites


Musian : Composer : Teacher : Writer
Anne Bourne
Personal websites

Anne Versailles

Personal websites

Anna Kirk-Smith is an interdisciplinary fine artist working with themes of nature, ecology, science and history, with specialist areas of interest being marine biology and geology. Unbridled curiosity and intriguing narratives are the starting points for her work.
Personal websites

Personal audio website
Anna Celeste Edmonds
Personal websites

Ann Rutherford

Subterranean - These sketch book drawings and soundscapes are part of a larger project to explore the dark underground through sensory experience.
Personal websites


Ambulant meetings.

Added by Sonia Overall

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