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Slow Coast 500

We are delighted to welcome back Claudia Zeiske, our former writer-in-residence and Marŝarto Award Grand Juror to tell us about what she encountered on her latest project Slow Coast 500.

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Slow Coast 500

Claudia Zeiske’s Slow Coast 500 was a long-distance walk from Dunnet Head to Berwick-upon-Tweed along the entire coast of the North Sea in Scotland.

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lonning, lonnin

Cumbrian dialect term for ‘lane’ – but a quite specific lane. Lonnings are usually about half a mile long, low level and often with a farm at the end. Many have specific names known only to the local villagers. Hence, Bluebottle Lonning, Lovers Lonning, Fat Lonning, Thin Lonning, Squeezy Gut Lonning or Dynamite Lonning. In the north-east the spelling is lonnin and seems to refer more to an alley than a country lane. The Scottish equivalent is ‘loan’.

Added by Alan Cleaver

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