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Sound Walk Stories Sunday: ‘Write About Walking A/way’ showcase

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Hosted by R M Francis the Write About Walking A/way showcase event introduces the shortlisted authors of the walk · listen · create / Sound Walk September writing competition, and includes readings of their poetry and prose.

Run in conjuction with Sampson Low Publishers, the walk · listen · create writing competition attracted scores of entries. We asked Tony Horitz and Cheryl Markosky, our current writers-in-residence to choose a theme for this year’s competition as well as being part of the judging team. The competition required writers to compose poems or prose of 250 words and under, inspired by the theme of “Walking A/way”, either walking away or walking a way!

Entries were judged by volunteer judges, Ralph Hoyte (poetry) and S A Greene (prose) assisted by Tony (poetry) and Cheryl (stories). The shortlisted pieces are published in WALKING (2023) an illustrated chapbook anthology and issued as a geo-located audio anthology, sale proceeds of which go to support future walk · listen · create writing competitions. Copies of the book can be purchased from our on-line shop.

The winners and runners-up in each of the poetry and prose categories will be announced at the event – with the accolade of on-line Poet & Prose Writer-in-Residence for 2024 walk · listen · create and for Sound Walk September 2023 going to the winners in each category.

Our current writers-in-residence will read pieces of their writing at the event

Cheryl Markosky will read Grandma’s Head Decorates My Backyard Tiki Bar 

Tony Horitz will read Of Blood and Water his winning piece from last year’s competition followed by a new poem Walking with Granny M

Running order of Authors shortlisted and their pieces:

Richard Westcott reads The Return of the Green Man

Kevin Cheeseman reads Chiltern Walks No.13: Asron Rowant Reserve

Rosaleen Lynch reads Turtle Houses

Shani Cadwallender reads stump speech

Chris Cuninghame reads East of Woolwich

Lorraine Collins reads Clear Line of Sight

Amelia Hodsdon reads I Could, You Know, I Could

Ricky Abbott reads Nomad Possessions

Rosaleen Lynch reads In the Time it Takes

Jan Martin reads Anna in the Ashes

Eilín de Paor reads Serenade

Isabella Mead reads Carn Ingli, Mountain of Angel


Richard Westcott

Richard Westcott


Kevin Cheeseman

Retired, retiring, and trying to write. 
Rosaleen Lynch

Rosaleen Lynch

(United Kingdom / Ireland) 
Shani Cadwallender

Shani Cadwallender

Christopher Cuninghame

Christopher Cuninghame

Lorraine Collins

Lorraine Collins

(United Kingdom) 
Amelia Hodsdon

Amelia Hodsdon

(United Kingdom) 
Ricky Abbott

Ricky Abbott

"Fail again, fail better." (United Kingdom) 
Jan Martin

Jan Martin

Illustrator and writer living in Somerset UK 
Eilín de Paor

Eilín de Paor

isabella mead

isabella mead

(United Kingdom) 
R. M. Francis

R. M. Francis

Andrew Stuck

Andrew Stuck

Co-founder of walk · listen · create (United Kingdom) 
This event has happened

2023-09-24 15:30
2023-09-24 15:30
2023-09-24 15:30

Video recording of showcase
Only available to registered users.


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Sound Walk Stories Sunday: ‘Write About Walking A/way’ showcase

Hosted by R M Francis the Write About Walking A/way showcase event introduces the shortlisted authors of the walk · listen · create / Sound Walk September writing competition, and includes readings of their poetry and prose.

Walking piece

The Chain Coral Chorus

The Chain Coral Chorus is a Geopoetic research project that explores the connections and clashes between walking, geology and place-identity, creating poems, essays and field notes inspired by and set in the UNESCO Black Country Geopark.

Without text_cover_3_Alban_Low res
Sound walk

Sydney Gardens Tree Weekender audio anthology

Rustling in the leaves Through dappled sunlight, a shower of falling leaves, and with colours of autumn all around you, you can now listen to poetry and prose inspired by trees in parks and public gardens while you stroll through Bath’s Sydney Gardens.     Bath & North East Somerset Council celebrated trees in parks and public gardens

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To stroll, meander, as in “I thought I’d marl along to see you.” And “He’s always marreling down the road somewhere.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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