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Justice, Freedom, Peace, Memory

Multiple locations
15 minutes
Sound walk

‘Justice, Freedom, Peace, Memory’ is an immersive composition that is ‘performed’ through the Echoes app on GPS enabled Smartphones. GPS technology allows the mapping of a composition over a landscape, so that the music is experienced within the context of a very specific geography. The music that is composed for this project is created primarily from field recordings gathered at specific locations in the city centre of Groningen, The Netherlands.

The work is an immersive piece of interactive music that encourages the audience to develop a deeper engagement with both the history of this location and its modern day soundscape. Directions for the walk are provided in the Echoes app.

Justice, Freedom, Peace, Memory

CC-BY-NC: Babak Fakhamzadeh

APA style reference

Collier, Y. (2018). Justice, Freedom, Peace, Memory. walk · listen · create.

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To drag along the ground, to trail or hang untidily, as in “He was streelin’ along behind us all the way home.” from the Dictionary of Newfoundland English (University of Toronto Press, 1982).

Added by Marlene Creates

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