Walking Piece SWS21
Walking Piece SWS21
Walking Contención Island
Walking Piece SWS21
Left Foot, Right Foot
Walking Piece SWS21
Soundwalk: “Aquí habita un río” (A river lives here)
Walking Piece SWS21
Where am I? A dislocated soundwalk
Walking Piece SWS21
The Unseen Heard

Walking Piece SWS21
Rockefeller Center: The past, present and future of an audacious dream
Walking Piece SWS21
over borders #1
Walking Piece SWS21
over borders #2
Walking Piece SWS21
Running Shoes
Walking Piece SWS21
Lore of The Wild
Walking Piece SWS21
Street Galleries


Place artworks curated by the United Nations (UN75) in the streets of 10 cities around the world.