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The Celebration of Winter

18 Dec, 2022

There are countless winter celebrations, wherever you are in the world. You may party at the Chinese New Year, Christmas, Boxing Day, Diwali, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas, St. Lucia Day, Three Kings Day, or Winter Solstice to name only some. Among these there are several celebrations about walking.

St. Lucia Day is a festival of lights most widely celebrated in Scandinavia and Italy. Many celebrate it with processions of children dressed in white, carrying candles. Girls usually wear a white dress with a red sash around the waist and a crown of candles.

Three Kings Day is a celebration of the biblical tale in which the Three Kings or Wise Men visit the baby Jesus after his birth, traveling by foot and camels from the East.

The most noticeable may be Las Posadas, happening between December 16th and 24th. The word posada means “shelter.” The nine nights of posadas represent the nine days it took Mary and Joseph to walk from Nazareth (where they lived) to Bethlehem (where Jesus was born). Their search for a place to stay is reenacted during the celebration. Each night begins with a procession of people holding candles and singing, walking to someone’s home (a different home every night), asking for shelter.

Not least, today is UNESCO migrants day. In recent years, conflict, insecurity, and the effects of climate change, war and conflict have heavily contributed to the forced movement whether within countries or across borders.

In addition to all these celebrations, we invite you to a London Christmas Treasure Hunt, available for free on the Questo App. Read about it in our blog.

Don’t forget to join us this Tuesday for our last walk · listen · café of the year, celebrating the night and winter solstice with Fay Stevens and walking under the light of the full moon. This café is free, our end of year gift to you all.
Get your ticket now!

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Explore the hidden corners of London, in search for the Spirit of Christmas.

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Invented by locals in Barcelona to describe walking and hanging out in the area of Raval, exploring the barrio, taking a coffee, experiencing pride in this most diverse area of the city. and contributing to the inclusive, dynamic neighborhood that is home to many immigrants. The verb was promoted by Fundacio Tot Raval and the City Council.

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