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We are family. I got all my sisters and me.

11 Dec, 2022

Ask anyone of a certain generation to think of a song that starts "We are family...I have got all my sisters and me." and they will probably keep singing. Written and produced by Nile Rogers, made popular by Chic and then by scores more including Sister Sledge and The Spice Girls, it is probably the most popular disco hit of all time. Ten years ago, Nile Rogers turned to walking as a therapy when diagnosed with having cancer, and started blogging about his walks in an around his neighbourhood in New York City, calling it "Walking on Planet C". This was made into a BBC radio documentary in 2012 that we have unearthed and highly recommend. We are on the look out for other intriguing walking gems, and invite you to join an informal meet-up of "Walking Detectives".

The UK is finally catching up with France - although not on the football field, but out on the streets, where street harassment is now a criminal offence. This change in the law began with a teenage-led campaign by two sisters on behalf of girls and young women, that is called Our Streets Now. Day or night, many are victims to intimidation and verbal abuse by predominantly older men. We have previously highlighted this in our Cafes, with guest from Leeds and Sao Paulo. Thankfully there are opportunities for everyone to enjoy nocturnal exploits, as our next Cafe guest, Fay Stevens, reveals in Into the Night: an evening of nocturnal wanderings. And should you want to delve in to the night, with more listening, then we can recommend this Thinking Allowed programme from 2016 in which Laurie Taylor interviews Matthew Beaumont and Laura Elkin on the The Flaneur and The Flaneuse.

We have a live sound art event coming from Barcelona this week, that will include Pedro Freitas, our first Sound Walk artist resident at the Nau Côclea Contemporary Creation Center, who will join in a collaboration with Orquesta del Caos. The evening starts with a conversation with Geert Vermeire and Pedro Freitas in Hangar, in Barcelona.

The Urban Tree Festival writing competition got off to a great start with 50 attendees at a free online creative writing workshop, for which Geert Vermeire valiantly stepped forward to lead when both our Urban Tree Festival writers-in-residence were taken ill. You can watch a video recording and find out more about the theme ‘Secrets of The Trees’ from the festival's Youtube channel here. So there is nothing stopping you now...get writing!

Season's Greetings

Co-founder of walk · listen · create

2022-12-12 19:00 · Online
We want to uncover the forgotten or not yet revealed walking compositions – will you help us in our detective work as we search through archives and make connections with walking artists, performers and writers across the globe?

Upcoming events

2022-12-12 19:00 · Online
We want to uncover the forgotten or not yet revealed walking compositions – will you help us in our detective work as we search through archives and make connection... Keep reading
2022-12-15 18:00 · Online
Live sound works by artists in residence at the Nau Côclea Contemporary Creation Center, and the walk · listen · create sound walk art residency, in collaboration w... Keep reading
2022-12-18 15:00 · Lesnes Abbey Woods, Walden Close, Belvedere, UK
Join Sophie and Bernadette as they guide you on an audio story walk around the ancient woodland surrounding Lesnes Abbey Keep reading
2022-12-20 19:00 · Online
A gathering on the night before the longest night. This is the nocturnal world, the place we walk illuminated by constellations of twinkling skies and powerful plan... Keep reading

From our network

 Day 977 - Preprandial and 1.5 km drawing.Recovery and 2.6 km drawing. Keep reading
Building awareness for a more planet- and people-friendly Tayport. Keep reading
Day 976 - Sugarbowl and 3.8 km drawing.Transitioning and 1.4 km drawing. Keep reading
“Performed on the 16th of July at the Venice Biennale in 1976 with Ulay. In Relation in Space (1976) they ran into each other repeatedly for an hour – mixing male a... Keep reading
(credit) SALT from Michael Dax Iacovone on Vimeo. “Artist Statement: I like to think of drawing as a broad term, not limited to pencil on paper.  Drawing is a recor... Keep reading
Des roseaux dans le vent,la grande nef d’une cathédrale,une minuscule clairière bruissante d’insectes,un ru entre les mousses,une allée commerçante ,une … Plus... Keep reading
Both a historical and imaginative reconstruction of a hill in Ingleborough. Keep reading

Stuff we found

I started an odd holiday tradition a few years ago. Strava art is using your GPS on your tracking device to draw a picture by turning your body into a drawing tool ... Keep reading
The 183rd ASA Meeting will include an urban sound walk, in which media are invited to explore Nashville, its sounds, and efforts to design projects that enhance Sou... Keep reading

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A person who walks with architecture in mind, and who thinks, moves and (re)configures the world accordingly.

Added by stephen hodge

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